Thursday, February 19, 2009

DAY 50 - Shorter, Faster, Harder

The week is ALMOST over! Thank goodness! It seems like its been dragging. I'm ready to come down with a bad case of Spring Fever, but the virus hasn't even started to spread yet. Still just cold gray days.

Today was Thursday with the parents. My dad wanted to go to some place different, so they came down and we met at Sweet Tomatoes. It was good, just a big ole salad bar. Food is always very appetizing when placed under a sneeze guard, but it does make me comforted to know its there. It's always nice to spend some quality time with my parents, I love them and all they do for me. They better love me, cause I'll probably end up moving back in with them and living there til I'm 40.

After dinner I went home relaxed a bit and put some finishing touches on the Guys & Dolls poster. Then I decided I had to get out and continue with my "training." So I headed to the park and made my lap around. I was able to do the whole 1.5 miles again. It seemed a little harder tonight. Part of the training is to run a shorter distance on Thursday's but try to go a little faster. I call it the Shorter, Faster, Harder day. I started out going faster, but I didn't really time myself, so I'm not sure if I accomplished the goal. It felt like I was working harder, but maybe it was just all that iceberg lettuce in my stomach.

Tomorrow is FRIDAY!!! Yay! Although I just realized I have no plans for this weekend. I have a lot of stuff I need to get done, may just be a working weekend...blah!

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