This time of year is the worst time of the year for me as far as candy goes. I can pass up most Christmas candy, even Halloween candy doesn't tempt me. Sure, I will have a little around Halloween, but that's about it. Easter candy is another story. Mini Cadbury Eggs are of the devil! I love them!!! They were in the stores before Valentines Day and I promised myself I wasn't going to have any until March... Well let me tell ya, March came in like a Lion! I was bitter about my car so I bought a bag to ease the pain. Then I bought another bag for the drive to St. George. When we got back from St. George I threw away what was left from the trip. Tonight I was looking for my ear phones and opened up the drawer on my side table only to behold the secret lair of the self-pity bag. I immediately took it and threw them out my bedroom window into the dumpster below. On top of the Easter candy it's also Girl Scout Cookie time! I got to work today and there upon my desk was the evil Coconut Caramel Samoa along with its equally as evil side kick the Thin Mint! I don't know what I was thinking, why did I order so many? I will be redistributing these...and hopefully not to my thighs. My friends and family are going to be the recipients of some Girl Scout Cookie goodness!
On the bright side of things I got back on track today with my running. I did 2.5 miles of actual running, and almost 3 miles all together, including my warm up and cool down walking. Only 6 more weeks til the big race!
Next time you throw mini cadburry eggs out a window- make sure I am standing below you with mouth open.