Monday, January 19, 2009

Day 19 - We're Gonna SCO-O-ORE Toni-ight

Tonight was a good time. Latoya used her social director skills and arranged a little dinner bowling night for us all. It was a lot of fun. We all met at Robintinos in Bountiful and then did a little bowing at the Bountiful bowl. Just like the old days. They've remodeled the bowling alley and its all bright and modern looking, makes me sad. I miss the yellow orange bench chairs and old school computer scoring machines. Now you tell them up front what your name is and they set it all up for you. The majority of the fun of going bowling was trying to figure out how to enter the names in every time, and also coming up with new fake names for each game. Progress is so sad!

However, I was very proud of most sports (and yes I'm classifying bowling as a sport) I don't excel. In high school, in order to get out of actual physical activity I took "lifetime activities" instead of gym my junior year. This class consisted of miniature golf, badmitton, volleyball, and of course bowling. We got to take a bus to the Bountiful bowl and play a few rounds. The trick was we had to score the old school way, no computers... I may have tallied wrong, but I'm pretty sure I scored a 14 on that bowling trip. So last night I was pretty excited to get a 54 the first game....but the second game I really came alive. 136, I WON! I even beat Matt and Christian!!! I was so proud, may have been the proudest moment of my life.


  1. Oh, I'm so proud of you too!! A 136!! That's pretty good. I loved that class in HS. I took it too! Incidentally, I'm amazed I graduated. I look back at the classes I took and couple that with the fact that I only went part time (thank the holy lord for "work release" programs) and really, if weren't for Aglegra and Geomotry, I'd feel like everyone else got jipped! :)

  2. ...and perhaps I should have paid better attention in English class. Geometry. Not Geomotry. :)

  3. Who's that girl with the big tummy??? She's huge!!!!
