Monday, January 26, 2009

DAY 26 - Fatty, fatty, a skinny world!

I gave in to my yearly temptation! I try not to eat hamburgers and fries very often. The past few years I have only had 1 per year. I did eat at Training Table over the holiday's and had a burger then, but technically that was last year. So tonight my Crown Burger counts as my only burger this year. I had been craving it for a while, I mentioned it to Clete and Greg, and Greg was all over it. So we decided to indulge our greasy fatty desires. Clete was bringing the kids home from swimming so we met them there. Parker's eyes were hurting from opening them while he was underwater. Apparently wearing my glasses cured the pain. Who knew they were such miracle glasses.

After dinner I drove home filled with fatty caloric induced guilt and shame, so I got out the weights and did a little work out to try to work off a few of the thousands of calories ingested. Then I met Brandy and her friend Michael at the Rose Wagner Theater for the final Sundance movie of the year! Greg was going to come a long but when he got home from dinner he found out Beency had eaten his Sundance check... So far that dog has eaten a rug, a wooden bench, a library book, gnawed on all the cabinet doors in the kitchen, my jeans, and really enjoys licking feet. I'm sure there is a lot more that I'm not aware of, my point being he eats and chews on everything...but he's real cute.

The movie we saw was really good, it is called "Push." It won "best of fest." I heard it had Monique and Mariah Carey in it and was a little unsure, I didn't know if it was going to be an Indy version of "BAPS" or something. But it turned out to be really, really good. It was a major tear jerker, sort of a continuation of my Lifetime marathon from Saturday. Not going to go into the whole plot, but it was about this young girl who has been abused verbally, physically, and sexually and how she has to over come... Kinda that sort of thing. It just amazes me people can treat other people that way, especially family. It made me grateful for my family and makes me feel kind of guilty for ever complaining about my life. I don't have it bad at all. It also made me want to be a teacher more than ever, I just know that I have to do something in life that will give back and help. I know that's kind of cheesy, but just getting up and going to work everyday to put in my time is so unrewarding. I wanna do something more.


  1. You calling me fat? Beency actually only slightly damaged the check--I think I'll still be able to cash it. I was just really mad at him and then I got mad at myself for how angry I was at the dog.

  2. put down that burger!!!! Right now!!!

