Sunday, January 4, 2009

DAY 4 - Sunday...that's my fun day?

So today was a very lazy day for me. It started off fine and went down hill. I had brunch this morning at Niche with my friend Hunter, then had a bunch of stuff I wanted to get done. I finished packing up Christmas decorations. Then worked on editing Camelot, which is not going well. I seem to always have technical issues. I just don't have the equipment I need to make it easy and flawless. Someday, possibly.

Anyway, my day became increasingly lazy. I laid in bed and watched Mamma Mia, I am completely in awe of Peirce Brosnon's amazing talent... He really made me feel like he needed help when he painfully grunts "SOS" I'm not sure if that was the intent of the director, or the ABBA people, but he did seem to be in some discomfort.

I also gave into my Peanut Butter Bar temptation, and decided to make a batch of the tasty delights. I proceeded to eat my fair share to top of the self indulgence of the past two weeks. It is now time to hit they gym, or at least try to find a way to do m Power 90 in my apartment so I don't crash through to the floor into the apartment below during the jumping jack section. The "professor", as I call him, (thee man who lives below me that has a little beard and always seems to be wearing woolens whenever I see him). He has all ready banged on his ceiling when I was trying to work out a few months ago, so I use that as my excuse not to do it.

Now the day is coming to a close. The photo is of me walking back from the Maverick in the 9 degree weather with my last D&C 44 of the weekend. That's Diet Coke 44 oz for you laid folk. As well as the eating habits changing, I am also going to get back to my Diet Coke only on the weekends. Or maybe one during the week, I gotta have something to look forward too.

Well I am off to bed, to prepare for the first full week of work at my new job. It feels almost like my first day again, since most of the company has been on vacation since I started, I'm sure I'll get to meet a lot of new people, and hopefully I will have some stuff to do.

Catch ya later!

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