Wednesday, January 7, 2009

DAY 7 - Top Chef...something's fishy.

Most every Wednesday night for the past several months has been Bravo reality show TV night at Brandy's. Last summer it was "Project Runway" and when that ended it was "Top Design" and now "Top Chef." I'm really liking the crazy black lady with the google eyes, she's a little crazy. But as far as a winner goes I'm rooting for Arianne, she's kinda down home cooking lady, she's pretty down to Earth and she's won a lot of challenges, so she must be good. Maybe someday they will make taste-o-vision and we'll all be able to join in the judging. All though they always do fish dishes, and I don't want to taste, or smell that.

Other than a lazy night of TV watching the day was pretty uneventful. I really need to get my butt in gear and start working out. I'm really good at excuses, tonight I didn't want to work out cause it was dark outside and since I have no curtains all the passer by's could see me. I can rationalize anything.

Work has been really slow, I spent most of the day playing around in Illustrator, and surfin' the web. I learned from my co-worker that the word "Wasatch" comes from a Piute word meaning "frozen penis." His daughter goes to Wasatch Jr. High and he was wondering what the word meant, so he looked it up. I'd be interested to see what their mascot is.

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