Tuesday, May 12, 2009

DAY 132 - The Sleaze, The Mouth, The Dead Wife

Its down to the last few weeks of American Idol...  Jess and I shared our love for the show over the weekend and decided that all of us should get together to watch it.  Christian was kind enough to open up his home for the event.  It was awful nice of him, however Jess and I were the only two who have even been following the show, the rest just came along for the free pizza and Oatmeal Caramelitas.  I felt bad that we put them through such torture.  Latoya appreciated it and I think she may be a little more into it now.  And Tyson, Jess's husband claims he can't stand it but I think deep down he likes it.  Christian's girlfriend and her friends were kind enough to put up with us.  Jess and I had to watch both Kris and Adam a few times, Danny is good too, I think it's going to be Danny and Adam in the final two, but Kris is probably my favorite, I would buy his stuff, he's more my style.

Adam is the hard core rocker screamer type. But he's freakishly talented, its not just screeching its actual sing screaming, if that is such a thing.  Jess LOVES him!  In a previous episode one of the judges said he had a sleazy look about him, but in a good way.  Jess is all about the Sleaze.  He is awesome, and I'm sure he'll win.  In a way I think he'd be better off not winning, makes him more legit.  Winning kind of cheapens him, and he'll be tied to American Idol for a year.  But either way he'll be a big hit, and so will Kris Allen.  He's the exact opposite, the boy next door with a charming crooked mouth.  Danny has the soul to him, has a good career in Christian Rock ahead of him.  His wife is dead.  But I really think he deserves to be in the top, he's not coasting by on pity.

Those are my thoughts and feelings about the American Idol, the views expressed in this Blog may not reflect the opinions of the readers.

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